(中央社洛杉磯9日綜合外電報導)蘋果公司今天推出新機iPhone 6、iPhone 6 Plus與Apple Watch,名人與果粉反應不一。有人覺得超棒,卻也有人不太買單,把iPhone五花大綁在手腕上,大開蘋果玩笑。
美國著名脫口秀喜劇演員艾倫狄珍妮(EllenDeGenere)說:「好期待Apple Watch,我們看手機查時間已經幾百年了。把手機戴到手腕上?天才!」
「創:光速戰記」女星奧利維亞魏爾德(OliviaWilde)推文說:「棒!蘋果發布更多我精神上可以仰賴的產品。」歌手凱蒂佩芮(Katy Perry)則說:「醒來就聽到iPhone 6有128GB,真是要叫聲『哎呀,我的媽』。」
至於蘋果首度發表的穿戴式裝置Apple Watch,有人覺得「是我看過最酷的東西」,「我也要買1支」;卻也有人覺得外型很驢,拿塑膠束帶刺穿1顆真的蘋果並綁在手腕上,之後拍下照片上傳諷刺地說:「耶,我很潮。」
曾主持金球獎的英國喜劇演員里奇格威斯(RickyGervais)顯然也不太買單,上傳了張把iPhone五花大綁,捆在左手腕上的照片,簡短1句評語說:「剛剛省了350美元。」他似乎在譏諷Apple Watch只不過是縮小版iPhone。(譯者:中央社鄭詩韻)1030910
Apple announced two large new iPhones today, the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus. Which one should you buy? Here are the differences that could determine your decision. The iPhone 6 is $100 cheaper ... 較多
Apple announced two large new iPhones today, the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus. Which one should you buy? Here are the differences that could determine your decision. The iPhone 6 is $100 cheaper than the iPhone 6 Plus The iPhone 6 will cost $199 for the 16GB version. That’s $100 cheaper than the iPhone 6 Plus, which will begin at $299 for the 16GB version. The iPhone 6 will cost $299 for 64GB, and $399 for 128GB. Apple The iPhone 6′s screen is smaller than the iPhone 6 Plus’, but both are larger than the iPhone 5S. Both phones have larger screens and better resolutions than the iPhone 5S has. But the iPhone 6′s screen is about 1 inch smaller than the iPhone 6 Plus’. The iPhone 6′s 4.7-inch display will have a 1,334×750-pixel resolution; the larger 5.5-inch iPhone will come with a 1,920×1,080-pixel-resolution screen. Apple The iPhone 6 has worse battery life than the iPhone 6 Plus. The iPhone 5S and iPhone 6 have the same battery life: about 10 hours. The iPhone 6 Plus, however, has about 16 hours of battery life. Apple/Screenshot The guts of the phone and the photo quality of each device will be about the same. Both devices also have Apple Pay, a mobile payment solution that wants to make plastic credit cards obsolete. Both also work with the Apple Watch. Bottom line If you want a giant screen and an extra-long battery life, splurge on the iPhone 6 Plus. If you are fine with how long your current iPhone lasts and you want a screen that’s just a touch bigger, go for the iPhone 6. Read more stories on Business Insider, Malaysian edition of the world’s fastest-growing business and technology news website. 較少
